Monday, February 1, 2010

Tarred And Feathered Woman Christians, If You Fault Joseph Smith Do You Also Fault Abraham?

Christians, if you fault Joseph Smith do you also fault Abraham? - tarred and feathered woman

He seduces a servant of his wife, then sent into the desert died with the baby. Have you worship a God that would be racial prejudice, an entire people, women, children and animals to eliminate? Joseph Smith and his followers were driven from one place to another, burned their houses and raped their women. Joseph Smith was tar and feathers, had a broken tooth, was severely beaten, shackled in a dungeon for month, etc., but he managed to receive revelations from 136, representing a more than thousand-year history, the construction of two temples and the creation more Chicago, etc., and finally gives his life. The church now more than 14 million members. Is it possible that the Lord knows what he's doing? Is there another group that has much to offer?


sPuRs faan said...

Why Joseph Smith, a whole church, are worried that now more than 13 million members constantly about him and his family, and die if I had done everything? I think he is a prophet of the true church of Jesus Christ restored.

Da_webwa... said...

Do not blame Joseph Smith, I know very little about him, and I'm not worried about him, what he did or not is in God's hands now ... But I do not know in any way, shape or form, is that even remotely compare to Abraham to ...

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