Friday, January 29, 2010

Four Inch Belt Fabric Angular Movement! It Should Be Easy But I'm Not Sure..?

Angular movement! it should be easy but i'm not sure..? - four inch belt fabric

two inches in diameter of the pulley from an electric motor running at 1700 rpm is connected by a belt from a roll of four inch (tied to a tree vi)
a) Determine the angular velocity of the respective roles in radians per minute
b) determine to the revolutions per minute, the role of 4-inch (which is the same as the saw blade)

Answer .. to is10676 but I'm not sure .. B


zee_prim... said...

B 5338rads/min spin half as fast;.

Christopher C said...

I get a different answer to one, but can be a difference in the values that we make for Pi for Part B, a radian is twice) so long on a pole with twice the radius (or diameter if speed is half reduced. Remember that the belt two rollers moving at a constant speed links, regardless of the diameter of the driven pulley.

See - simple.

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